The Altar Family!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"The Shack"

I wanted to share with you an experience that I had recently. I read books often, and every now and again, one really grabs my attention and allows me to spend quality time with God. This book gave me more than one opportunity to fall on my knees and talk to God, and continue to build a relationship with Him. This is just my opinion, so take away what you wish from my perspective. This book is listed as Fiction, however, that can be up for you to decide. I don't want to spoil ANY aspect of this book, just in case you plan to read it, or are reading it now but I will give you an idea of what it is about. It, in my opinion, is a story of an individual who struggles with a horrible loss of his very young daughter, and struggles with how to find what good that God could possibly create out of such a tragedy. In my own life, I continue to work on not being so independent, and be more dependent on God. All things are His, and to be used for His glory. In my own tragic event in my life, I asked myself (and many others) what good could POSSIBLY come of this? I got answers, but they never seemed to make it through to me. THIS BOOK and the way in which the story is told, has made a huge impact on how I look at this world, and how events that occur are relevent in this world. I highly recommend this book. If any questions arise while reading it, I encourage you to speak with Don Helms He has read it and can help with any question that comes to mind. Visit the website at and you can find it at the Parable or any Target, Barnes&Noble, etc. for less than $15.00- it has only been printed in paperback. I hope that this book, if you choose to read it, has the same moving affect on you that is has on me. It is applicable to any person- no matter where you are in your walk with God. Enjoy...


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Church Picnic a SUCCESS!

The first outside of church activity as "The Altar Family" could not have been more perfect. God blessed us with beautiful weather, plenty of green grass to play games on, and lots of unique opportunities to spend time together as community. God used this time to bring families together that had been separated by large distances and gave us all an opportunity to spend time building on what He has planned.

I can speak for all in saying that I am so THANKFUL to have the sense of family, and community that is absolutely REAL. We all want to do this again, and I think I even heard someone suggest we just do this EVERY Sunday and just put the tables out and DIG IN after church! Either way, God is moving within and among us and it is evident in everything we do independently from each other or together as family.

Again, I am so thankful for what God is doing and I can't wait to spend more time together and grow in Christ as we welcome more and more people into our growing family in Christ! Amen!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Community Welcome House UPDATE

Saturday October 25th 2008 Is Make a Difference Day

Community Welcome House is asking a simple request on this day that will have a powerful outcome if everyone who receives this will simply stop what they are doing at 11:00am and say a prayer for Community Welcome House and the individuals who are struggling with domestic violence.

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month! Support the Community Welcome House by joining us for a walk from Wadsworth Auditiorium, Silhouettes, around the court square with the final destination at Greenville St. Park.

Event Date: Saturday October 18th, 2008
Time: 4:00pm
Starting point: Wadsworth Auditorium on Jefferson St. Newnan, Georgia: Ending at the Greenville Street Park.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Thank you so much to the Bickerstaff's as they have been organizing our children's ministries each week! Great job! Caroline will be so happy to see that you recognized her for helping out with the little ones! **If you are on the Children's ministry team, see the schedule and a note below**

A special thank you to all of our Childrens Church workers!! We’ve learned a lot these past few weeks and are still growing and learning as we go!! First, it is feasible to put only 2 people with the Children’s Church instead of 4 as we had done previously. We meet in the Nursery area (Jennifer Doolittles Art Room) and have our story and craft, go outside to the playground, and come in for a snack, and it’s time to go home. The gym is great on rainy days, but we seem to get more accomplished sitting at a table working together. The younger children are doing the same as the older children thanks to Caroline Freeman. She is this little angel who helps all the little ones do their craft. We love having her each week!! I will go to the Bible Book Store this week and look for some new material, we’ve just about exhausted the old book. If you are on the schedule, please try to go back and pick up the book bag for the next week so you will be prepared. Here is the new schedule, we are now able to spread us out for longer periods of time, so that’s good. If you cannot make it for your scheduled time, please call and we’ll get someone else. You may want to call someone else on the list and trade dates, just let me know. Again, thanks for your dedication to our children!


April 5 Channell
April 12 Bickerstaff
April 19 Honea
April 26 Robertson
May 3 Gunter
May 10 Olmstead
May 17 Mrs. Shelnut
May 24 Bickerstaff
May 31 Shelnuts


Thanks to all for stepping up and doing this! Our children are SO important and your help cannot have a value placed on it- it is invaluable in a child's growth in Christ!