The Altar Family!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Proposed Logo Post All the Way From ROMANIA!

WOW! I received a notice that a post was made to our "Logo Post" of Mr. Billitteri's FANTASTIC logo submission. I was SURPRISED to see that this came all the way from Romania! Dragos (read below for his comments) submitted this and as promised- I will post it for all to see! Don knows Dragos very well. I, like you, would love to learn more about Dragos and his life in Romania. We will count on Don to introduce us someday! Enjoy! Drago's comments are below:
Peace to everyone from the big and new family of The Altar Church!
I want to greet you in the Name of Jesus!!
I'm Dragos, from Romania, and i just wanted to greet your pastor, brother Don for standing for the Lord!! He sent me the older address of your site and for a while i couldn't access it. Now i found the new version and also the new name. I'm glad that you found a name, a new identity. Because i know some of you because i have a great respect for Don and his ministry i felt that could help somehow so i tried to make a logo for your church. You are free to use it.
- Matt