The Altar Family!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"The Shack"

I wanted to share with you an experience that I had recently. I read books often, and every now and again, one really grabs my attention and allows me to spend quality time with God. This book gave me more than one opportunity to fall on my knees and talk to God, and continue to build a relationship with Him. This is just my opinion, so take away what you wish from my perspective. This book is listed as Fiction, however, that can be up for you to decide. I don't want to spoil ANY aspect of this book, just in case you plan to read it, or are reading it now but I will give you an idea of what it is about. It, in my opinion, is a story of an individual who struggles with a horrible loss of his very young daughter, and struggles with how to find what good that God could possibly create out of such a tragedy. In my own life, I continue to work on not being so independent, and be more dependent on God. All things are His, and to be used for His glory. In my own tragic event in my life, I asked myself (and many others) what good could POSSIBLY come of this? I got answers, but they never seemed to make it through to me. THIS BOOK and the way in which the story is told, has made a huge impact on how I look at this world, and how events that occur are relevent in this world. I highly recommend this book. If any questions arise while reading it, I encourage you to speak with Don Helms He has read it and can help with any question that comes to mind. Visit the website at and you can find it at the Parable or any Target, Barnes&Noble, etc. for less than $15.00- it has only been printed in paperback. I hope that this book, if you choose to read it, has the same moving affect on you that is has on me. It is applicable to any person- no matter where you are in your walk with God. Enjoy...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

+Dear Matt,
I, too, was very moved emotionally and spiritually by this book, The Shack. I had the privilege of actually seeing the author at "722" in Atlanta and was very touched by his words and his heart. I started reading it again today. It speaks to all of us if we would just open up our hearts. God is love and He wants us to remember that every day of our lives. I love you all at The Altar.
Love and Prayers,
Judy Miller