The Altar Family!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Welcome to The Altar- On the Web!

Welcome! We were formerly "The Church With No Name". We are now "The Altar". In the days ahead, we will have a new look, and a new web site. I will keep this site running until we have a permanent domain (web site URL) to let everyone know of our new web address when construction is complete! Please email me at and I will post your thoughts here. Also, if you would like to leave a comment about a blog, just click on "comments" at the bottom of each. Please share your thoughts. They are welcomed! If you notice the picture of the "Tree" that I have placed at the head of our blog site- I feel that it symbolizes how we are a new and growing creation from God! Thank you to all who helped us to pray for and to REACH a final choice for the name of our Church. We were looking for a name that personified and encompassed our mission, which is to allow for you to feel that this is a place to come to and have grace and forgiveness extended to you no matter where you "are" in your life! Our other two names that were up for votes were "The Genesis" and "The 490 Church". Each of these names will be put to use as programs within our church in the future as programs for education and support. We look forward to meeting you and hopefully being able to help you through life's battles that you may think can't be won. A large part of our church's declaration at The Altar, is to "NEVER LEAVE A WOUNDED SOLDIER ON THE BATTLE FIELD". We will hold steadfast to that and will be here for you, just as God intended.
In Him,
The Altar

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Don for this wonderful declaration.. I am trying to pray this every morning and especially claiming the promise that our enemy is defeated and our children are safe. This declaration works not only for our church but for our family as well. Thank you for your passion for the hurt and wounded soldiers that are among us. I know first hand how much it means to have someone encourage the broken. Keep up the great work..... The Channells...